Colmated Corks

When appearance, performance and economy are your primary considerations, colmated corks from Cork Supply offer great value. Compared to technical corks and low-grade natural corks, our economical colmated corks offer enhanced visual appeal and superior bottling performance.

To create colmated corks, we place pre-washed natural corks in a revolving drum and add a food-grade approved adhesive agent. The corks are tumbled until the adhesive is evenly distributed around each cork, at which point we add natural cork dust to the drum. As the corks tumble, the mixture creates a film that coats the entire surface of each cork, effectively sealing and masking blemishes. After a brief settling period, the corks are tumbled again to remove excess dust. Finally, they are carefully sorted to ensure consistency.

We produce our colmated corks using strict quality control and processing methods, and offer a wide range of grades with varying shelf lives. Colmated corks from Cork Supply are the economical way to seal wine attractively and effectively.

Each colmated cork has the critical added advantage of Innocork®, our patented extraction procedure that uses steam and ethyl alcohol to effectively volatilize potential TCA (and other off-aroma) molecules from the cell structure of natural cork.